Dr Reuben Bredenhof
I’m a grateful servant of God, redeemed by his grace through Christ.
I was born and raised near Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. For almost twenty years I worked in pastoral ministry in churches in Canada and Australia. For a collection of my sermons, see here.
I am privileged to serve as the Professor of Ministry and Mission at the Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary in Hamilton, Ontario.
Back in 2016, I earned a PhD at St. Mary's University in Twickenham, London, England. I wrote a thesis on the parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man (Luke 16:19-31). It was published as Failure and Prospect in the Library of New Testament Studies. For some of my academic writings, you can visit my Academia.edu page here.
I have written a few books which you may enjoy. Follow the links for more information:
My articles have appeared in a range of magazines and websites, including New Testament Studies, Reformed Perspective, Modern Reformation, Clarion, and at The Gospel Coalition.
Through my research and writing at both popular and scholarly levels, I aim to promote a better understanding of the Christian Scriptures.
My wife Rebecca and I have been blessed with four daughters. I enjoy pounding the pavement on my morning jogs near our home in Hamilton and thinking about where we can put more bookshelves.
You can get in touch via email: rbredenhof@crts.ca