Have you ever made a promise or commitment to do something, but then forgotten?
Many of us have. Even when we have the best intentions, we are forgetful people. We don’t always follow through on our words. How good it is then, that the LORD never forgets, but is faithful to all his promises!
Psalm 98 celebrates the LORD and his righteous reign. As King over all, he has done
“marvelous things” (v. 1). The Psalmist invites all the world to praise the LORD, because he has performed great works of salvation.
This has been true ever since God entered into covenant with his people: He has been saving his own, delivering us from our enemies, protecting us from harm, and forgiving our sins so that we can live with him in peace.
These great works are the evidence that God does not forget. As the Psalmist says, “He has remembered his steadfast love and faithfulness” (v. 3).
The Lord promised to be God and Saviour to his people, and He has been faithful to that word.
Time after time, the Psalmist say, God has “revealed his righteousness” (v. 2), showing deep commitment to his purpose.
It’s so fitting then, that the words of Psalm 98:3 are echoed by Mary when she sings her Magnificat in Luke 1.
In recent days she has been learning all about how God is going to save his people through the gift of a child—even through a son born to her, a virgin, by the working of the Holy Spirit.
Mary praises God for his amazing work of salvation, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior” (Luke 1:46-47).
And then a bit later, in verse 54, she sings about how this coming Saviour will display God’s faithfulness to his promise:
He has helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy.
At the dawn of time, God promised to deliver his people from the power of Satan, and
God never forgot. He renewed his promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and did not forget. He promised again to Israel, and He always kept it in mind. “He helped his servant Israel in remembrance of his mercy.”
The conception and birth of Christ means that God never forgets his commitment to mercy and steadfast love!
And for we who believe in Christ, this is still a great reason for rejoicing.
We belong to a righteous God who never fails to do his Word. We belong to a King who follows through on all his promises.
Whatever your situation is today, know that you can rest in God faithfulness, for in Christ it is sure.